Traditional Avalon Mystery School ©1995
Welkom in the Traditional Avalon Mystery School
A Journey that begun in 1995 with the exploration of an ancient Call!
Or actually it began much earlier, but this is the year I gave way to this call
and stepped through the first portal to re-write my story and remember the magical-, elemental Pathways of Once!
Avalon was calling and it became an exploring, magical Path of Remembrance
The Ways of Avalon are always awakening and mysterious.
It is a Cauldron of Wisdom and a Cornucopia of Sacred Pathways
Avalon, a Call, a Wishper, a Sound ….. Myth, Mist and Mystery?
Or hidden between the many Veils, the many layers, portals and parallel worlds, multidimensional,
Star Legacy that is housed in your memory, in your dreams, in your longing and in between …
Avalon, ‘Isle in Mist’, guided by Nine Wise Ones, surrounded by Apple Valleys and the scent of the many Apples and fruits ..
An ‘Isle’ between the worlds which foresaw in everything needed. We all know Avalon of the Books and Film, the Mist of Avalon,
but also of the Grail Stories, Morgaine Le Fay, Vivienne du Lac, King Arthur, the Lady of the Lake and Merlin, the Prophet …
but there is a world behind this story, do journey with us through Mist and Mystery and Remembering to the essence of your Soul!
We like to Invite you into the Mystery School with lovely offers, deepening Courses, Story Telling, a Moon Lodge
or a Morgen of Avalon Membership, which gives you free workshops and discounts. Amazing worldwide circles with kindred spirits.
You are welcome to join the program and celebrate this Silver Connection in the Web of Creation,
which is open to start in every season of choice, with its time of turning the Wheel through
the Celtic Phanteon connected with the original Celtic Gods and Goddesses of Avalon,
are you joining us!? Read through the Pages and ask the News Letter for the latest News and Agenda on:
- Ninefold Mysteries of Ancient Avalon
- Storytelling
- Avalon Moon Lodge
- Online Workshops, Courses
- Fabulous and Magical Retreats
- Spiritual Journey’s
Welcome in the Sacred Mystery School of Life
Traditional Avalon Mystery School © founded in 1995
‘Awakening and Remembering Sacred Feminine in All’
Nine Morgens of Avalon They call you through the Mists of Time to Remember, to Awaken, to Sense.
A whisper in the wind, a touch in your hair, a feather on your Path,
they guide you through the Portals of Old and hold your hand when you step forward and meet them
Nine Morgens of Avalon, Ancestresses and Shapeshifters, Ninefold through Time and Space
receive their touch of wisdom and be ready for a Magical Rite of Remembrance!
Join the Traditional Ancient Light Lineage of Avalon